Our Vision
Climate Change is real, caused by humans, occurring now, and increasing in scope and threat. Everyone needs to work together to reduce its impacts. Our vision is to help build better climate resilience, using software tools and data from Earth and Space.
Our Mission
We will accelerate the production of useful software tools and data for climate change resilience, adaptation, and mitigation use cases.
Earth Observation and related imagery and data can contribute greatly to a wide range of global and local climate resilience use cases. Therefore, we will help educate, inform, and adopt organizations about the availability and benefits of the wide variety of EO and other space-based data for climate change purposes.
We will also unlock space based Earth Observation capabilities by combining our software expertise and climate change and space sector knowledge to help clients develop innovative, transparent end-user software applications which are focused on climate change use-cases.
We will help streamline the client software development process using a software factory approach —a standardised process with unique outcomes. This will help reduce their software project development costs, risks, and the total cost of ownership, empowering them to build better tools and information for climate resilience.
We will promote open knowledge and sharing, strengthen virtual and physical communities of practice, and endorse verifiable, truthful, scientifically-accurate information sources and practices. We will express gratitude for the efforts and contributions of others.
We will support and empower the next generation of humans, who will bear a heavier burden from climate change than we ever will.
Our Values
The values of the company are transparency, trustworthiness, leadership, and passion for the world and especially the climate change and space communities.
Deploy Solutions shares our solutions freely and openly wherever possible, with our content often licensed under Creative Commons and our code under Apache License. To support the Canadian space sector, we sponsor community events such as Space Apps in Ottawa, a NASA International Space Apps Hackathon with a local Canadian flavour.
Since 2019 we've been gathering unique insights into the ways software can help prepare individuals and communities deal with climate change-related problems, impacts and natural disasters. We have developed a unique software methodology for prototyping and building solutions, called OASIS4 Climate Change. Learn more at
Our Annual Carbon Footprint and Net Zero Pledge
We estimate that Deploy Solutions produces 2.25 MTCO2e of scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions, and 1.341 MTCO2e for scope 3 services (mostly data centres and software development services), for a total of about 3.591 metric tons of carbon per year. We commit to achieving Net Zero each operating year beginning this year, FYE2024. Read more.
We Build Great Space Apps, for the World®.
Our Founder
Nick Kellett has taken advantage of his programming skills to live and work around the world while following developments in the space sector for nearly 30 years. Nick has been writing about space exploration since 2013, and researching climate change since 2019.
With a passion for the Earth and space, technical expertise, business credentials and many years of experience attending and organizing space applications events, he would love to help your organization deliver its climate change-related software projects.