Project Overview

Given the dramatic rise in satellite and spacecraft launches, we foresee a need to do 'continuous' deployments while satellite and other spacecraft are in orbit.

When the code is uploaded to the satellite it must be verified and tested before and after updating. If errors occur the code must either cancel deployment or rollback to the previous version of the code.

In the space industry, code deployment is generally done via proprietary and closed-source methods, which prevents standardization, and is likely to increase development and operational cost and risk versus an open source standard.

This proprietary approach to code deployment contrasts with the software industry which has numerous standardized and open toolsets to perform these tasks (the practice of which is called “continuous integration” and “continuous delivery”).

We are therefore working with New Space partners (and others) to apply software industry practices, technologies, and processes to the space industry (particularly “continuous integration/continuous delivery”).

Project Goals & Objectives

Broadly, our intent is to build a CI/CD pipeline that will assist and be adopted by the space industry upstream segment, particularly New Space start ups or companies managing LEO satellites / constellations that are looking to standardize their code deployment practices.

Goal #1: Develop an open and standardized CI/CD process to deploy software code and data to a satellite via a (software simulated) ground station.

Goal #2: Customize the CI/CD process and demonstrate with a satellite in Low Earth Orbit (LEO)

Project Results

This project is currently in progress. Preliminary work has begun on user stories and draft solution architecture and design. More concrete results (and code!) will be posted as project milestones are reached.

At a Glance

Free and open source project to build a continuous integration/delivery (CI/CD) pipeline to deploy code and data from a local developer's machine to a satellite in Low-Earth Orbit (LEO).

Project type: Free and Open Source (FOSS)
Status: In progress
Start date: 2019-11-15
End date: Ongoing
Open Source License: FOSS license TBD


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Software Name
Cloud 2 LEO Deployment Pipeline
Software Category
CI/CD Pipeline